Trailer to: “Out of Our Right Minds: Trauma, Depression & the Black Woman” directed by Stacey Muhammad

“… you can’t heal what you don’t know and you certainly can’t heal what you can’t talk about and it’s those secrets that has kept this country sick …”– Dr. Joy DeGruy Leary ( Author of  ‘Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome—America’s Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing’)

~ by Tracy G. M. James on May 1, 2010.

2 Responses to “Trailer to: “Out of Our Right Minds: Trauma, Depression & the Black Woman” directed by Stacey Muhammad”

  1. Eye cannot believe that eye am saying this,but,eye am that girl right now.

  2. Nothing hurts more when you don’t quite know, why your hurting or when you’re hurting from the same thing, over and over again… it can change if we SPEAK about it without fear like now, it can change. Peace of mind can be ours, can be yours, can be…

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