. . .Lady Lauryn has Returned. . .

Lauryn Hill and her amazing grace has been the soundtrack of my lyfe since my toddler days. When she chose to take some tyme off for herself and pour her love into Zion– I thought I had lost a sister. Questions arose: Will she ever come back? What will happen to her genius? Have we lost her to the wretched wrath of the entertainment industry? Was her success in the industry worth her losing her spirit & peace of mynd?

However, after experiencing hellish moments of my own turmoil, pain, confusion & dismay– then was when I understood her decision to remove herself from society and reflect in peaceful solitude.  At those dark moments– negative forces were challenging her to choose between fame, fortune & flashing lights or family, love, peace & the Almighty Spirit. And Lauryn chose family, love, peace & unwavering devotion to the Almighty Spirit.

For that, L-Boogie will always be one of the truest all-stars genuine in her craft, her emotion, her passion & her zeal for a life of integrity. Period.

I salute you Sister Lauryn and I respect your space, love…You look elegantly beautiful & full of spirit…Welcome Back!

Peace & Prosperity,


~ by Tracy G. M. James on May 2, 2010.

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