. . .Tracy G. M. James at Dance Africa/BAM 2010: Photographed by Allford-Trotman Associates. . .

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Photo Credit: © 2010 ALLFORD-TROTMAN Associates

Photographer, Diane Allford of ALLFORD -TROTMAN Associates is the talented and gifted photographer who interviewed me Saturday, May 29, 2010 at Dance Africa/BAM. We talked about the history behind Dance Africa, my fashion sense, the importance of community building, and what brings me to Dance Africa every year …

Allford-Trotman Associates was also the photo researcher for Tom Burell’s, Brainwashed: Challenging the Myth of Black Inferiority. The group’s clients include: BET, Paramount Pictures, Random House, The New York Times, NAACP, Scholastic Inc. and many more. ♔

Please view extensive professional portfolio at: www.AllfordTrotman.com

~ by Tracy G. M. James on June 2, 2010.

One Response to “. . .Tracy G. M. James at Dance Africa/BAM 2010: Photographed by Allford-Trotman Associates. . .”

  1. A Beautiful Afrikan Goddess,in the flesh!

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